About Southern California Dog Obedience Club

SCDOC is a non-profit organization that is a Council of 13 dog clubs.  Our purpose is to provide dog obedience information to the general public and to encourage participation in dog shows, obedience trials, sanctioned matches, and practice matches.  As a council, we hold a bi-annual AKC Obedience & Rally seminar and an annual inter-club competition competition between our member clubs known as TOP DOG.

Our member clubs hold various classes and events including obedience, rally, agility, hunting and earthdog tests, CGC, TDI, breed handling, and training seminars.

For more information on dog events in Southern California, please go to our Event Calendar page.
For information about training classes or our clubs, please go to our Member Club page

The Objectives of the Council are:

  1. To promote interest in Obedience Training and friendly relationships between any and all organizations interested in Obedience work.
  2. To coordinate efforts toward the improvement of Obedience.
  3. To encourage participation in Obedience Trials.
  4. To strive toward the standardization of Judging at Obedience Trials.
  5. To assist in any way possible any show-giving club in putting on Obedience Trials at the various shows.

Currently, the Council consists of clubs, reaching from Santa Maria to San Diego. It is estimated that the Council represents nearly 10,000 persons affiliated with member–obedience clubs. Each member club is represented at the Council by two Delegates and an Alternate. Delegates speak on the Council Floor on behalf of and for the club’s membership, participate in discussions, serve on committees, and are active in Council-sponsored events and programs. And, in turn, report to their Club’s Board of Directors and membership Business conducted and Legislation enacted on the Council Floor. Most clubs pay for the Delegate’s dinner, served prior to the meeting; other related financial costs of participation are assumed by the Delegate as part of his functions. To qualify as a Delegate requires having trained and shown a dog through an AKC Obedience Degree.

Some of the Council-sponsored Activities, usually with the aid of a Host Club are:

  1. Publishing a Directory of member clubs including individual club information officers, training information, show dates, and a list of names of those wishing to be considered as Judges, Stewards, and Clerks at Sanctioned and Practice Matches and Graduations.
  2. Top Dog Competition (annual).
  3. Northern Obedience Clubs vs Southern Obedience Clubs Competition ( annual).
  4. L.A. County Fair Obedience Demonstration.
  5. Presidents and Secretaries Dinner Meeting ( annual).
  6. An Obedience Convention.
  7. Practice Match Judging Seminar.

In addition, the Council is responsible for the publishing and distribution of “Council Fires,” the Official Publication of the Council. Contents include articles of interest, a Calendar of Events Of coming Matches and Licensed Trials of Council-member Clubs, and Minutes of the monthly meeting.

The Council holds its meetings on the Third Friday of each month. Visitors interested in Obedience are welcome to attend.

Club Officers – 2025

President – Mary Kinsler
Vice President – Carol Herbold
Treasurer – Cheryl Malooly
Recording Secretary – Arlene Steinert
Corresponding Secretary – Margaret Caballero
Board Members At Large:
Carol Hamilton
Gabrielle Beauburn
Pam Regan